「Quantopian」 は、Pythonベースの米国株式投資のシステムトレードプラットフォームです。

# | 項目 | 条件 | 詳細 |
1 | Positive returns | リターンがプラス | Your algorithm must have positive returns. |
2 | Leverage | レバレッジ比率は80%-110%の間 | Your algorithm must maintain between 0.8x-1.1x gross leverage, checked at the end of each day. |
3 | Position concentration | 一銘柄に5%以上の投資は不可 | Your algorithm cannot invest more than 5% of its capital base in any one asset. |
4 | Low beta-to-SPY | 市場全体への連動は一定以下 | Your algorithm must not be correlated to the market. Specifically, your algorithm must have an absolute beta-to-SPY below 0.3. |
5 | Turnover | ポートフォリオの入れ替え比率制限 | Your algorithm must have a mean daily turnover between 5%-65%, measured over a 63-trading-day rolling window. |
6 | Long and short positions | 買い/売りはニュートラル | Your algorithm cannot have more than 10% net dollar exposure. |
7 | Trades liquid stocks | 流動性の高い銘柄でポートフォリオ構成 | Your algorithm must only invest in stocks in the QTradableStocksUS |
8 | Sector risk | 1セクターへの投資は20%まで | Your algorithm must be less than 20% exposed to each sector |
9 | Style risk. | 1スタイルへの投資は40% まで | Your algorithm must also be less than 40% exposed to each style factor |
10 | Optimize API | Optimize APIでオーダー | Your algorithm is required to place all of its orders with the order_optimal_portfolio function. |
Full Backtestを実行して、結果を。


「Python for Financial Analysis and Algorithmic Trading 」は、Pythonで金融分析やアルゴリズムトレーディングを作成するための講座です。